Does Your Water Heater Need Replacing?
Are you experiencing problems with your water heater and wondering whether it needs repairs or a full replacement? Ideally, a water heater should last between ten and twenty years, depending on its rating. If your heater isn’t that old, it might only need repairs. However, the older your water heater happens to be the more likely it is that it needs replacement.
What Signs Indicate Your Water Heater Needs Repairs or Replacement?
You probably need repairs or a full replacement for your water heater if the water is no longer getting heated or you consistently hear hissing noises. If you discover that leaks exist along the supply pipes to and from the water heater or at the pressure valve, you should arrange for repairs from a professional plumber.
What Should You Consider When You Replace Your Water Heater?
While most people simply replace a water heater with the same type they’ve been using, you might want to consider upgrading to a different model. A larger capacity model accommodates growing families, while an energy-efficient model can save money on your energy bills. And a recovery efficiency model can increase the capacity so it can heat a larger volume of water per hour.
To help you decide whether or not it is worth switching to a different type or size of water heater, consider each of the following factors:
. Have you been happy with the heater’s performance up until it started having problems?
. Has your family grown in numbers?
. Would you like to save money on your energy bills?
. Can you afford a more expensive model?
No matter what you decide, you will probably need to purchase a heater powered in the same manner as your existing one. Therefore, if you currently use an electric water heater, you should replace it with the same type. The same is true if you use a model powered by gas.
What Options Do You Have When You Replace Your Water Heater?
Several types of water heaters are available today, including tankless, conventional, solar, and hybrid. Here’s a look at the differences:
. Tankless: The tankless water heater offers a slim design, allowing its placement in rooms of any size. It heats water on demand. Unless you already have a tankless heater, this type of installation requires additional work, including the installation of gas or electric lines as well as specialized vents.
. Conventional: The conventional water heater stores water in a tank that keeps the water heated and ready for use. Tanks vary in size with the most common size being the 20-gallon tank.
. Solar: The solar water heater is designed for energy efficiency and is powered by the sun’s rays. It is available in both passive and active styles.
. Hybrid Heat Pump: The hybrid heat pump water heater blends conventional tank storage with heat extraction from the air.
The style of water heater that you choose affects the price tag, so you should consider your options with this fact in mind. An experienced plumber can answer any questions you have about the different models that are available to you.
Water Heater Replacement
A water heater usually keeps working for ten to twenty years. As it begins to fail, it makes noise, stops producing hot water, or develops a leak. Once you decide to replace your heater, you’ll have lots of options, including tankless, traditional, solar, and hybrid models.